Discussion of future challenges of supply security in the electricity market 2.0

It is questionable whether the current design of the electricity market will be able to guarantee the current level of supply security in the future. This is because the decline in conventional generation and the simultaneous expansion of supply-dependent renewable energies pose challenges for the market. This is the result of a new study commissioned by Zukunft Erdgas e.V. and carried out by the Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne (EWI).

Type of Publication: Study
On behalf of: Zukunft Erdgas e.V.
Written by: Dr. Simon Schulte, David Schlund, Amelie Sitzmann
Date: February 2020
Type of Publication: Study
On behalf of: Zukunft Erdgas e.V.
Written by: Dr. Simon Schulte, David Schlund, Amelie Sitzmann
Date: February 2020