The Workshop on "Policy, Awareness, Sustainability and Systems" (PASS), chaired by EWI Director Wolfgang Ketter, scientists present their research in the field of information systems and technology.
In the next edition of EWI Insights, Lena Pickert, Research Consultant and Berit Hanna Czock, Research Associate (both EWI), will speak on the topic of "Transformation of the Consumption Sectors and the Energy System".
Bei der diesjährigen EWI-Energietagung diskutieren rhenag-Vorständin Dr. Catharina Friedrich, NRW-Wirtschaftsminister Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart sowie die beiden EWI-Direktoren Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge und Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ketter über das Thema „Energie im Umbruch“.
Dr. Eren Çam, EWI Manager & Head of Energy Resources, presents EWI's hydrogen research at the digital Meta-Conference "Securing Climate Resilience through Climate Action" (DAAD, Egypt)