Dates – Archive

Energieberatertag 2021

Max Gierkink, EWI-Manager, will speak at the Energieberatertag 2021 of the Rhineland-Palatinate Energy Agency on the topic of "Effects of national CO₂- pricing for modernization measures in residential buildings".

FLAME Conference 2021

Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge is once again moderating at the Flame Conference 2021 in Amsterdam.

praxisforum Geothermie Bayern

As keynote speaker, Lena Pickert, Research Consultant, will present the results of dena Leitstudie "Setting out for Climate Neutrality - Transformation of the Consumption Sectors and the Energy System".

7th Ukrainian Gasforum

Jan Hendrik Kopp, research fellow, presents our gas market analyses at the Ukrainian Gas Forum.
Richard Green as Laureate at 2nd Felix Höffler Memorial Lecture

Richard Green as Laureate at 2nd Felix Höffler Memorial Lecture

Richard Green, Imperial College London, talks about capacity markets.

rhenag Handelsforum

Prof. Dr. Stephanie Fiedler speaks as a guest speaker at the "rhenag Handelsforum" and gives an insight into current research on the influence of climate change on the energy industry

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