Dates – Archive

E-World Community – LUNCH BREAKS “The future of the German grids”

Amir Ashour Novirdoust, Research Associate at EWI, will give a presentation entitled “The Incentive Regulation Ordinance as a basis for the technical implementation of grid expansion” in the first session of the grid series

EWI-Insights | “Setting the scene: Rahmenbedingungen für den Hochlauf von Elektromobilität”

Bei der ersten Ausgabe der EWI-Insights im Jahr 2024 sprechen Antonie Reinecke (Research Associate) und Arne Lilienkamp (Senior Research Associate) über das Thema “Setting the scene – Rahmenbedingungen für den Hochlauf von Elektromobilität”.

Electricity market meeting 2023-24

Electricity market meeting 2023-24

The first electricity market meeting will take place in Cologne on 26 January 2024. The topic is sector coupling. We will be hosted by the University of Cologne / EWI (conference room in seminar building 106, Universitätsstraße 37, 50931 Cologne).
The meeting starts at 10 am and ends at 1 pm.

You can register for the lottery here: Here you go!!!

Handelsblatt Energy Summit 2024

Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge, Director of the EWI, will once again moderate this year’s Handelsblatt Energy Summit 2024 as a scientific advisor. In addition, Dr. Ann-Kathrin Klaas, EWI, and Michael Moritz, EWI, will present facts and figures in the “Focus international” section.

Making the Business Case for Canadian Energy

In partnership with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, a leading German political foundation, this forum will bring together German and Canadian energy experts, practitioners and thought leaders, to discuss how and why Canada needs to play a bigger role in advancing energy security for t3h European allies in the coming decades.

EWI-Energietagung 2023

Die EWI-Energietagung feiert in diesem Jahr ihr 75-jähriges Bestehen und lädt Sie am 07.12.2023 zur Jubiläumstagung in den MediaPark, KOMED (Köln) ein. Nähere Informationen zum Programm & Anmeldung finden Sie hier.

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