The development of a sustainable energy system requires a consistent evaluation of technology options in a system context. Optimizing energy system models play an important role in this process. However, to achieve manageable computation times, an integral optimization will require limited spatial and temporal disaggregation. On the other hand, appropriate representation of the infeed characteristics of renewable energy sources as well as of the usage of transmission lines and conventional generators require a sufficiently high disaggregation.
Therefore, the House of Energy and Finance (University Duisburg-Essen) as well as Fraunhofer ISE conduct a workshop on “Aggreation Methods for Renewable Infeed Profiles in Energy System Models”. The workshop is held online on April 3, 2020. In this context, EWI Research Associate Berit Czock will present her current research. The title of her talk is: “Temporal reduction of input time series for energy system models using clustering algorithms”.