Press Releases

How the coal exit affects frequency stability
02.03.2020 | Because conventional power generation is declining – for example due to the coal phase-out – the stability of the power grids will no longer be fully secured in the future without countermeasures. This and what could be done about it is shown in a new study by scientists from EWI and the consulting firm ef.Ruhr.
02.03.2020 | Because conventional power generation is declining – for example due to the coal phase-out – the stability of the power grids will no longer be fully secured in the future without countermeasures. This and what could be done about it is shown in a new study by scientists from EWI and the consulting firm ef.Ruhr.
Dr. Stephanie Fiedler baut energiemeteorologische Forschung am EWI auf
17.02.2020 | Die Juniorprofessorin der Universität wird als “Chief Energy Meteorologist” am EWI tätig sein.
17.02.2020 | Die Juniorprofessorin der Universität wird als “Chief Energy Meteorologist” am EWI tätig sein.
Review of electricity market design necessary to ensure security of supply
11.02.2020 | The decline in conventional generation poses challenges for the electricity market. EWI examines these challenges and presents various mechanisms to address them.
11.02.2020 | The decline in conventional generation poses challenges for the electricity market. EWI examines these challenges and presents various mechanisms to address them.
EWI analysis: Germany will probably miss the 65 percent target
10.01.2020 | Renewable energies should cover 65 percent of electricity consumption by 2030. This is the plan of the federal government. However, a team of the Institute has calculated that the share of renewables could be only about 46 percent.
10.01.2020 | Renewable energies should cover 65 percent of electricity consumption by 2030. This is the plan of the federal government. However, a team of the Institute has calculated that the share of renewables could be only about 46 percent.
Annette Becker is new Managing Director of EWI
05.11.2019 | Annette Becker joins the Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne (EWI) as Managing Director. The experienced science manager comes from the project management organisation of the German Aerospace Center (DLR-PT).
05.11.2019 | Annette Becker joins the Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne (EWI) as Managing Director. The experienced science manager comes from the project management organisation of the German Aerospace Center (DLR-PT).
EWI-Energietagung: Klimapaket polarisiert in Forschung und Praxis
26.09.2019 | Wie die Digitalisierung das Energiesystem der Zukunft prägt und wie erfolgreiche Geschäftsmodelle im Rahmen der Energiewende aussehen – Expert*innen diskutieren bei der EWI-Energietagung über das Klimapaket der Bundesregierung und die Zukunft des europäischen Energiemarktes.
26.09.2019 | Wie die Digitalisierung das Energiesystem der Zukunft prägt und wie erfolgreiche Geschäftsmodelle im Rahmen der Energiewende aussehen – Expert*innen diskutieren bei der EWI-Energietagung über das Klimapaket der Bundesregierung und die Zukunft des europäischen Energiemarktes.
dena and EWI: Climate protection needs an integrated approach
19.09.2019 | On the basis of dena’s lead study ‘Integrated Energy Transition’, the EWI worked with the German Energy Agency (dena) to develop key figures and guard rails for the climate policy debate.
19.09.2019 | On the basis of dena’s lead study ‘Integrated Energy Transition’, the EWI worked with the German Energy Agency (dena) to develop key figures and guard rails for the climate policy debate.
A CO2 price in the buiding sector is not enough
18.09.2019 | On behalf of the Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss e.V. (ZIA, German Property Federation), EWI and FiFo Cologne jointly analysed how CO2 pricing works and which additional political instruments are necessary to do justice to the special features of the building sector.
18.09.2019 | On behalf of the Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss e.V. (ZIA, German Property Federation), EWI and FiFo Cologne jointly analysed how CO2 pricing works and which additional political instruments are necessary to do justice to the special features of the building sector.
EWI study: Climate target 2030 can be reached with coal phase-out
27.08.2019 | On behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalisation and Energy of North Rhine-Westphalia, the EWI conducted a study on the effects of the coal phase-out path proposed by the “Commission on Growth, Structural Change and Employment”.
27.08.2019 | On behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalisation and Energy of North Rhine-Westphalia, the EWI conducted a study on the effects of the coal phase-out path proposed by the “Commission on Growth, Structural Change and Employment”.
New study: EWI analyses the potential development of gas demand and supply
23.05.2019 | On behalf of INEOS, EWI analysed the potential development of gas demand – in case the current level of ambition concerning the expansion of renewable energies and the decrease of reduction of energy consumption cannot be accelerated. This would result is a rising demand for natural gas and an increasing import share. The study further looks into commodity procurement options for natural gas.
23.05.2019 | On behalf of INEOS, EWI analysed the potential development of gas demand – in case the current level of ambition concerning the expansion of renewable energies and the decrease of reduction of energy consumption cannot be accelerated. This would result is a rising demand for natural gas and an increasing import share. The study further looks into commodity procurement options for natural gas.
Electricity cost in the non-ferrous metal industry – A sensitivity analysis
13.05.2019 | On behalf of the WirtschaftsVereinigung Metalle e.V., EWI analysed the effects of an increase in electricity prices on the gross value added of exemplary companies in the non-ferrous metal industry.
13.05.2019 | On behalf of the WirtschaftsVereinigung Metalle e.V., EWI analysed the effects of an increase in electricity prices on the gross value added of exemplary companies in the non-ferrous metal industry.
EWI receives new organizational structure and new funding
19.02.2019 | EWI further develops its academic and organizational installation. Since fall 2018, EWI forms a new gemeinnützige GmbH that will further proceed as well as develop all activities of ewi Energy Research & Scenarios gGmbh (ewi ER&S). The new legal structure enables an institutional funding of the renowned institute by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MWIDE) from 2019 on. The state’s support helps secure the institute’s basic funding and can amount up to 800,000 euro per year.
19.02.2019 | EWI further develops its academic and organizational installation. Since fall 2018, EWI forms a new gemeinnützige GmbH that will further proceed as well as develop all activities of ewi Energy Research & Scenarios gGmbh (ewi ER&S). The new legal structure enables an institutional funding of the renowned institute by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MWIDE) from 2019 on. The state’s support helps secure the institute’s basic funding and can amount up to 800,000 euro per year.
Gas, over time turning ‘green’, will be instrumental and indispensable in all decarbonization scenarios
23.10.2018 | Gaseous molecules as energy carrier will be pivotal also for extensive electrification scenarios while a wider use of gas achieves Germany’s decarbonization targets less drastically and less costly, a new paper by ‘ewi Energy Research & Scenarios gGmbH’ and ‘The Gas Value Chain Company GmbH’ demonstrates.
23.10.2018 | Gaseous molecules as energy carrier will be pivotal also for extensive electrification scenarios while a wider use of gas achieves Germany’s decarbonization targets less drastically and less costly, a new paper by ‘ewi Energy Research & Scenarios gGmbH’ and ‘The Gas Value Chain Company GmbH’ demonstrates.
Stephan Kamphues neuer Präsident des EWI-Förderervereins
01.10.2018 | Stephan Kamphues, speaker of the gas TSO holding Vier Gas Transport GmbH, has been elected president of the Society of Benefactors of the Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne last wednesday. Kamphues is a fully qualified lawyer and has been working in leading management positions in the gas business since 2004. Since 2009 he has been president of the European gas network operators’ association ENTSOG.
01.10.2018 | Stephan Kamphues, speaker of the gas TSO holding Vier Gas Transport GmbH, has been elected president of the Society of Benefactors of the Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne last wednesday. Kamphues is a fully qualified lawyer and has been working in leading management positions in the gas business since 2004. Since 2009 he has been president of the European gas network operators’ association ENTSOG.
Managing director changes from EWI to Industry
25.09.2018 | Dr. Harald Hecking (34), managing director of ewi ER&S, changes over to the department of innovation at the energy utility Uniper in Düsseldorf on 15 October. The separation from EWI took place according to Dr. Hecking’s own wish and at best agreement with the boards of the institute. A successor is being searched for. Dr. Hecking has been managing ewi ER&S in a dual chairmanship with Dr. Christina Elberg since June 2015. He received outstanding attention recently e.g. for his work as the main scientific advisor to German Energy Agency’s (dena) “Leitstudie Integrierte Energiewende” (Study on Integrated Energy transition).
25.09.2018 | Dr. Harald Hecking (34), managing director of ewi ER&S, changes over to the department of innovation at the energy utility Uniper in Düsseldorf on 15 October. The separation from EWI took place according to Dr. Hecking’s own wish and at best agreement with the boards of the institute. A successor is being searched for. Dr. Hecking has been managing ewi ER&S in a dual chairmanship with Dr. Christina Elberg since June 2015. He received outstanding attention recently e.g. for his work as the main scientific advisor to German Energy Agency’s (dena) “Leitstudie Integrierte Energiewende” (Study on Integrated Energy transition).