Press Releases

ewi Energy Debate on the benefit of gas and heat infrastructure for the success of the Energiewende
05.12.2017 | Yesterday, representants of politics, science and energy business were discussing the benefits of gas and heat infrastructure for the success of the Energiewende at the ewi Energy Debate. At one point all participants agreed: There is no alternative to climate protection, the climate goals need to be reached. Gas and heat networks were said to be elementary for this. Press release in German.
05.12.2017 | Yesterday, representants of politics, science and energy business were discussing the benefits of gas and heat infrastructure for the success of the Energiewende at the ewi Energy Debate. At one point all participants agreed: There is no alternative to climate protection, the climate goals need to be reached. Gas and heat networks were said to be elementary for this. Press release in German.
Press conference of the study “Energy market 2030 and 2050”
16.11.2017 | On Thursday, 23 November 2017, a press conference is held at Leonardo Royal Hotel Düsseldorf Königsallee. There the new study “Energy market 2030 and 2050 – The contribution of gas and heat infrastructure to an efficient CO2 reduction” will be presented to the public for the first time.
16.11.2017 | On Thursday, 23 November 2017, a press conference is held at Leonardo Royal Hotel Düsseldorf Königsallee. There the new study “Energy market 2030 and 2050 – The contribution of gas and heat infrastructure to an efficient CO2 reduction” will be presented to the public for the first time.
Energiewende efficiently feasible only under use of gas and heat infrastructure
15.11.2017 | The current gas and heat infrastructure will make a high contribution to an efficient CO2 minimization in an uncertain future and represents flexibility and openness to technologies. A technology-open approach to Energiewende under the use of gas and heat infrastructure will save about €140bn by 2050. These are two central results of the study „Energiemarkt 2030 und 2050 – Der Beitrag von Gas- und Wärmeinfrastruktur zu einer effizienten CO2-Minderung“ which ewi ER&S developed commissioned by Gelsenwasser, Open Grid Europe and RheinEnergie.
15.11.2017 | The current gas and heat infrastructure will make a high contribution to an efficient CO2 minimization in an uncertain future and represents flexibility and openness to technologies. A technology-open approach to Energiewende under the use of gas and heat infrastructure will save about €140bn by 2050. These are two central results of the study „Energiemarkt 2030 und 2050 – Der Beitrag von Gas- und Wärmeinfrastruktur zu einer effizienten CO2-Minderung“ which ewi ER&S developed commissioned by Gelsenwasser, Open Grid Europe and RheinEnergie.
Blockchain is not a disruptive technology for peer-to-peer power transactions in Germany
31.07.2017 | The hype around blockchain provided some rather discouraging scenarios for companies in the German electricity system. However, a new analysis recently conducted by the research institute ewi Energy Research & Scenarios (ewi ER&S) shows that blockchain currently has no disruptive potential for peer-to-peer power transactions. The study illustrates that platforms (e.g., based on blockchain technology) for peer-to-peer transactions do not face organizational or regulatory barriers. However, levies, taxes and surcharges on final consumer power consumption burden the disruptive potential of the technology and hamper deployment. Public blockchain-based platforms will come with additional costs for underlying distributed mechanisms.
31.07.2017 | The hype around blockchain provided some rather discouraging scenarios for companies in the German electricity system. However, a new analysis recently conducted by the research institute ewi Energy Research & Scenarios (ewi ER&S) shows that blockchain currently has no disruptive potential for peer-to-peer power transactions. The study illustrates that platforms (e.g., based on blockchain technology) for peer-to-peer transactions do not face organizational or regulatory barriers. However, levies, taxes and surcharges on final consumer power consumption burden the disruptive potential of the technology and hamper deployment. Public blockchain-based platforms will come with additional costs for underlying distributed mechanisms.
Auswirkungen eines deutschen Kohleausstiegs berechnet
17.02.2017 | ewi Energy Research & Scenarios veröffentlicht Studie zu den ökonomischen Effekten eines vorzeitigen deutschen Kohleausstiegs auf den Strommarkt in Deutschland und der EU.
17.02.2017 | ewi Energy Research & Scenarios veröffentlicht Studie zu den ökonomischen Effekten eines vorzeitigen deutschen Kohleausstiegs auf den Strommarkt in Deutschland und der EU.
Auswirkungen einer bundesweiten Vereinheitlichung von Netzentgelten auf Übertragungsnetzebene berechnet
17.02.2017 | Eine Vereinheitlichung der Netzentgelte auf Übertragungsnetzebene führt zu einer teils deutlichen Veränderung der Entgeltbelastung für Letztverbraucher. Während die Belastung in den Netzgebieten von Amprion und TransnetBW steigt, sinkt sie in den Netzgebieten von 50Hertz und Tennet. Die Folge sind Umverteilungen zwischen den Letztverbrauchern der Netzgebiete. Die Auswirkungen sind umso größer, je höher die Spannungsebene, an der die Letztverbraucher angeschlossen sind.
17.02.2017 | Eine Vereinheitlichung der Netzentgelte auf Übertragungsnetzebene führt zu einer teils deutlichen Veränderung der Entgeltbelastung für Letztverbraucher. Während die Belastung in den Netzgebieten von Amprion und TransnetBW steigt, sinkt sie in den Netzgebieten von 50Hertz und Tennet. Die Folge sind Umverteilungen zwischen den Letztverbrauchern der Netzgebiete. Die Auswirkungen sind umso größer, je höher die Spannungsebene, an der die Letztverbraucher angeschlossen sind.
Significant CO2 abatement via European Carbon Price Support possible
17.02.2017 | If the EU decided to establish a CPS in 2017, the electricity sector could avoid up to 943 million tons of carbon dioxide until 2025, which is equivalent to the entirety of Germany’s annual emissions. Overall, more than one quarter of these emissions would be avoided by Germany alone. This is the result of an analysis recently conducted by the research institute ewi Energy Research & Scenarios (ewi ER&S).
17.02.2017 | If the EU decided to establish a CPS in 2017, the electricity sector could avoid up to 943 million tons of carbon dioxide until 2025, which is equivalent to the entirety of Germany’s annual emissions. Overall, more than one quarter of these emissions would be avoided by Germany alone. This is the result of an analysis recently conducted by the research institute ewi Energy Research & Scenarios (ewi ER&S).