Director Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ketter leaves the Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne (EWI) on December 31, 2021, for personal reasons. EWI is very grateful for his contributions.
Experts from science, politics, and business discuss rising energy prices, climate protection, and the energy industry’s digital transformation at the EWI Energy Summit.
The news targets for the electricity sector defined in the coalition agreement re-quire a faster expansion of renewables and additional hydrogen-ready gas-fired power plants. The emissions target for the energy sector for 2030 could then be significantly undercut.
The designated German government proposes to promote climate protection investments with Carbon Contracts for Differences (CCfDs). EWI experts examine the effects of CCfDs and show what is essential in their design.
Scientists at the University of Cologne are investigating how an energy system with a high share of renewables can work even in extreme weather situations.
The EWI and numerous guests paid tribute to the late EWI director Felix Höffler with a Memorial Lecture. Guest speaker Richard Green from Imperial College London spoke about capacity markets, one of Höffler’s research topics.