
EWI Analysis: Bidding Zone Split could reduce Welfare

EWI Analysis: Bidding Zone Split could reduce Welfare

January 29, 2025 |

A split of Germany’s uniform electricity bidding zone could lead to a decrease in welfare within the German electricity system. This conclusion is presented in a re-cent policy brief by EWI, based on an evaluation of existing studies and analyses.

EWI models risk scenarios for gas supply in Germany

EWI models risk scenarios for gas supply in Germany

January 29, 2025 |

The gas crisis of 2022 has raised the question of how resilient the gas supply in Germany is. In a new report for the German BMWK, the EMI analyzes theoretical risk scenarios on the gas market and the effects on prices and infrastructure utilization.

EWI-Energietagung – Bettzüge: „Wer baut, benötigt einen Plan“

EWI-Energietagung – Bettzüge: „Wer baut, benötigt einen Plan“

January 23, 2025 |

Strommarkt 2030, Finanzierung der Energiewende, Herausforderungen für Stadtwerke in der Wärmewende sowie Verhältnis von Staat und Markt in der Transformation – darüber diskutierten zahlreiche Fachleute bei der EWI-Energietagung in Köln.

Green hydrogen: Geo-economic conditions in the EU

Green hydrogen: Geo-economic conditions in the EU

December 18, 2024 |

The development of a green hydrogen economy is changing the import dependencies and value creation potential of European companies. The EWI is investigating the current and possible future geo-economic situation of the EU.

Heat transition: Too little drive for heater replacement despite GEG?

Heat transition: Too little drive for heater replacement despite GEG?

December 11, 2024 |

According to the federal government’s targets, net greenhouse gas neutrality should be achieved by 2045. This could require significant quantities of biogenic or synthetic fuels in the building sector, according to a new analysis by the EWI.

Flexibility in the Energy System: Who Benefits and Who Bears the Costs?

Flexibility in the Energy System: Who Benefits and Who Bears the Costs?

December 10, 2024 |

In the energy transition, technologies such as electric vehicles and heat pumps are playing an increasingly important role. New research by EWI reveals how flexibility in the energy system impacts costs and benefits for various stakeholders in the electricity market.

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