
Hydrogen in Europe: Different Countries, Different approaches

Hydrogen in Europe: Different Countries, Different approaches

March 22, 2021 |

The economic and political approaches to a hydrogen market ramp-up vary widely in Europe. EWI and the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES) compared six countries.

Tightening of EU climate target: premature end for coal?

Tightening of EU climate target: premature end for coal?

March 17, 2021 |

The EU is tightening its climate target for 2030, which could increase CO2 prices in European emissions trading and accelerate the German coal phase-out in a market-driven way, an EWI analysis shows.

New report series on power, heat, transport and industry sectors in Europe

February 26, 2021 |

EWI collaborates with UK-based consulting firm Cornwall Insight for a new monthly report series.

First lockdown: Lots of sunshine – but not (only) due to fewer aerosols

First lockdown: Lots of sunshine – but not (only) due to fewer aerosols

February 25, 2021 |

In the spring of 2020, there were sunshine records in large parts of Western Europe. The cause was not (only) lockdown-related fewer aerosols in industry and traffic, but exceptional weather. This is shown by a new study with EWI participation.

Wholesale electricity 2020: Covid-19 depressing prices

Wholesale electricity 2020: Covid-19 depressing prices

January 5, 2021 |

Updated on February 2, 2021 | Electricity prices in the German wholesale sector are significantly lower in 2020 than in the previous year. What this has to do with the Covid 19 pandemic and what other factors are at work.

Coal: Global demand will collapse in 2020

Coal: Global demand will collapse in 2020

December 21, 2020 |

After declines in 2019, global demand for coal has dropped significantly again in 2020 due to the Corona pandemic. This is shown by the IEA study “Coal 2020 – Analysis and forecast to 2025”, to which two EWI researchers contributed.

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