
EWI Insights: Digital workshop series starts with hydrogen costs and funding instruments

EWI Insights: Digital workshop series starts with hydrogen costs and funding instruments

December 18, 2020 |

The EWI Insights digital event series starts with the costs and support of hydrogen. Almost 100 participants discuss the decarbonization of industry by means of Carbon Contracts for Differences.

Researchers from Greece win “Power TAC” AI competition

December 16, 2020 |

Seven research groups presented their contributions to the Power Trading Agent Competition (Power TAC) at the (virtual) PASS workshop.

EWI Chief Energy Meteorologist Stephanie Fiedler becomes member of the “Young College”

December 15, 2020 |

Admission to the funding program is one of the most important awards for young scientists in NRW.

EWI Director Ketter Wins Two Runner-up Awards

December 14, 2020 |

Prof. Wolfgang Ketter is honored for his research on the electrification of public transport in Rotterdam and on agents’ price expectations in online auctions.

Green hydrogen: Large cost differences between regions and high transportation costs

Green hydrogen: Large cost differences between regions and high transportation costs

December 8, 2020 |

The costs for the production of green hydrogen show a high range worldwide. Germany does not have an ideal starting position in the international market for green hydrogen. In the short to medium term, blue hydrogen could be a more cost-effective option, EWI analyses show.

Electric mobility: Range anxiety often unsubstantiated

Electric mobility: Range anxiety often unsubstantiated

December 2, 2020 |

The range of electric cars is generally sufficient for everyday use – and charging at the workplace could play an important role in the future. This is shown by a data analysis conducted by EWI and several practice partners.

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