
EWI Energy Conference: Climate package polarises research and practice

EWI Energy Conference: Climate package polarises research and practice

September 26, 2019 |

How digitisation will shape the energy system of the future and what successful business models will look like – at the EWI Energy Conference, experts* discussed the German government’s climate package and the future of the European energy market.

A CO<sub>2</sub> price in the building sector is not enough

A CO2 price in the building sector is not enough

September 18, 2019 |

In order to reduce CO2 emissions in the long term, targeted incentive programs and tax write-offs are needed in addition to CO2 pricing. EWI and FiFo Köln calculate moderate additional costs for example households.

The integrated energy transition is stagnating in Germany

The integrated energy transition is stagnating in Germany

September 16, 2019 |

An analysis by dena and EWI shows clear deficits in renewable energy expansion and in the transport, buildings and industry sectors.

EWI study: Climate target 2030 can be reached with coal phase-out

EWI study: Climate target 2030 can be reached with coal phase-out

August 27, 2019 |

EWI analysed the effects of a coal phase-out by 2038 on the electricity market, CO2 emissions and selected industries on behalf of the State of NRW.

Looking back at Cologne International Energy Summer School 2019

Looking back at Cologne International Energy Summer School 2019

July 29, 2019 |

For one week, young scientists from all over the world discussed energy economics and digitisation. In the subsequent PASS workshop, they presented their own papers. The winners of PowerTAC have also been announced.

EWI offers on-the-job training about Smart Energy

EWI offers on-the-job training about Smart Energy

June 13, 2019 |

In cooperation with the Business School of the University of Cologne, EWI offers an on-the-job training about “Smart Energy”. This Smart Energy Certificate Programme examines the complex role digital transformation plays in energy production, distribution and consumption.

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