
Results for “Integrated Network Planning NRW” released

Results for “Integrated Network Planning NRW” released

April 6, 2023 |

NRW Minister of Economics and Energy, Mona Neubaur, together with representatives of network operators, has presented the results of a cross-system consideration of energy infrastructures. The EWI supported the project scientifically.

EWI Insights: Kosten und Risiken im globalen Wasserstoffhandel

April 6, 2023 |

Um die globalen Produktions- und Versorgungskosten für grünen Wasserstoff und Wasserstofffolgeprodukte sowie geopolitische Risiken im globalen Wasserstoffhandel ging es bei der jüngsten Veranstaltung der Reihe „EWI Insights“.

Regulatory tasks in the context of the energy transition

March 30, 2023 |

In the past, the regulatory framework has mostly reacted selectively to changes in the energy system. The EWI shows the need for research and practical implementation in regulation during current and future developments.

Nachfragerückgang und LNG entspannen globale Gasmärkte bis 2030

Nachfragerückgang und LNG entspannen globale Gasmärkte bis 2030

March 3, 2023 |

Die angespannte Gasversorgung in Europa führte zuletzt zu einer reduzierten Gasnachfrage und Ankündigungen zum Ausbau der LNG-Infrastruktur. Effekte auf Gasimporte in Europa und globale Gaspreise untersucht eine neue Analyse des EWI.

Felix Höffler Memorial Lecture: Energy markets in times of crisis

Felix Höffler Memorial Lecture: Energy markets in times of crisis

February 22, 2023 |

With its annual Memorial Lecture, EWI pays tribute to the late EWI Director Felix Höffler. Guest speaker Matti Liski from the Aalto University School of Business in Helsinki spoke about mechanisms to stabilize the EU electricity market.

The decarbonization of the heating sector has to take regional differences into account

The decarbonization of the heating sector has to take regional differences into account

February 9, 2023 |

The transformation of the heating system is a key factor for the energy transition. Existing infrastructures, geographic conditions, and heterogeneous heating demands need to be taken into account.

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