The Cologne Graduate School (CGS) in Economics, Management, and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne together with the Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne (EWI) offers a doctoral fellowship programme in energy economics. It comprises education and supervision for acquiring a Doctoral Degree or a PhD at the Faculty of Management Science, Economics, and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne. The fellowship is devoted to EWI’s research topics:
EWI Doctoral Fellows enrol into the Doctoral Study Programme in Economics or the PhD Programme in Economics at CGS, obtain a three-year doctoral scholarship, take part in the doctoral programme at EWI, and have the option to take up a part-time position at EWI as a research assistant.
Combining one of CGS’s structured graduate programmes with EWI’s research agenda and activities provides a unique and inspiring academic environment. Qualified students without sufficient economics training will also receive additional education and a corresponding extension of the fellowship period (“Economics Booster”).