The war in Ukraine and the resulting geopolitical upheavals are changing the framework conditions for energy supply in Germany and Europe. How will the prices for gas, coal, oil and electricity develop in the medium term as a result? And what does this mean for households and industry? The EWI has investigated this in various scenarios in which the demand for electricity and gas, the availability of Russian imports and the expansion of renewable energies were varied.
Together with an expert report by Fraunhofer IEG, Fraunhofer SCAI and TU Berlin on European gas supply security, the EWI report forms the basis for an impulse paper by the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, acatech and the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities “Welche Auswirkungen hat der Ukrainekrieg auf die Energiepreise und Versorgungssicherheit in Europa“.