Assessment of regions for system-serving electrolysers

A regional analysis of multiple influencing factors

The system-serving location of electrolysers can play a central role in the energy transition, as they can reduce costs, resources and emissions when intelligently integrated into the electricity and hydrogen sector. Depending on their size and the target year, electrolysers could be located throughout Germany in a way that benefits the energy system. Particularly relevant factors for suitable locations for small electrolysers are the potential for renewable energies and the demand for hydrogen. For larger electrolysers, access to the hydrogen transport grid becomes more important than hydrogen demand.

The report “Assessment of regions for system-serving electrolysers” examines possible system-serving locations in Germany at NUTS-3-level for three electrolysis classes (<10 MW, 10 – 50 MW, >50 MW) in the years 2030 and 2040 based on ten location factors. The results are contextualized and discussed against the backdrop of current projects and political objectives.

Type of Publication: Analysis
On behalf of: E.ON Hydrogen GmbH und Thüga Aktiengesellschaft
Written by: Dr.-Ing. Ann-Kathrin Klaas, Michaele Diehl, Nada Fadl, Michael Moritz, Lisa Restel
Date: June 2024
Type of Publication: Analysis
On behalf of: E.ON Hydrogen GmbH und Thüga Aktiengesellschaft
Written by: Dr.-Ing. Ann-Kathrin Klaas, Michaele Diehl, Nada Fadl, Michael Moritz, Lisa Restel
Date: June 2024